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Human Resource Policy
Order Instructions:
The annotated bibliography for your 4 selected human resource topics must consist of at least 10 reputable, professional, scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.), be in current APA format, and contain persistent links so others may have instant access. Include a proper title page.
It is highly recommended that you use Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Library online resources. A librarian is available to assist you in all matters pertaining to conducting your research, including what constitutes a scholarly article (reputable, professional and/or scholarly journals, and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course).
The Jerry Falwell Library librarian has asked that the following be shared:
Articles in Business Source Premier have a “Permalink” you can use to post in your assignment. The permalink, in most cases, will allow anyone to access your article. Articles in Business Source Complete have a “Permalink” you can use in your assignment. The Permalink should allow anyone to access your article. To get the Permalink, look the article up in Business Source Complete and click the article title. Then click the “Permalink” link that appears in the right column.
The annotations are designed to help your classmates better understand and more easily learn about your topic. The annotation is not a normal required component of APA; rather, it is a specific additional requirement for this assignment.
Note the following regarding your annotated bibliography:
• An annotated bibliography is a list of the journals and resources you used.
• Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph (at least 150 words) that is descriptive and evaluative—the annotation.
• The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
• For more information on annotations, see this link about Annotated Bibliographies.
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English Literature Annotated Bibliography
Competency 127.1.1: Research – The graduate evaluates the quality, credibility, and relevance of evidence in order to integrate evidence into a final research paper.
Competency 127.1. 2: Writing Process – The graduate applies steps of the writing process appropriately to improve quality of writing.
Task 1: Annotated Bibliography
The first stages of the research writing process involve topic selection, formulation of a research question, preliminary research, and the development of a working thesis statement. Now you will begin identifying and evaluating sources to determine how effectively they can support your argument. If needed, the “Topic Ideas” web link below can be used for selecting your research topic.
For this task, you will create an annotated bibliography by finding 6 sources for your research paper, listing the sources in APA-formatted references, and providing an annotation for each source. Each annotation should offer a summary of the source, an evaluation of its author’s or publisher’s credibility, and an assessment of its relevance to your topic.
English Literature Annotated Bibliography
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Use the Turnitin Originality Report available in Taskstream as a guide for this measure of originality.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
A. Compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two main points and that you plan to use in your research paper.
B. Create an annotated bibliography of six appropriate, credible sources that you plan to use in your research paper.
Note: You may use the attached “Annotated Bibliography Template” to complete your annotated bibliography, but use of the attached template is not required.
1. Provide a full, APA-formatted reference citation for the 6 sources.
2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 100 words) for each of the 6 sources by doing the following:
Summarize the information presented in the source.
Analyze the credibility of the source’s author or publication, if no author is present.
Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic.
3. Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 6 sources from part B.
C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
English Literature Annotated Bibliography
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Analytical Annotated Bibliography
One of the assignments for this course is to prepare an annotated bibliography, which will provide practice for the research paper. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and other documents. Each citation is followed by a descriptive and evaluative annotation (500-750 words).
The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills, concise exposition, succinct analysis.
Each student will be assigned an article to read and given specific format (descriptive/informative or analytical/critical) to focus on for the assignment. You are expected to utilize the APA format to complete this task. Prior to completing the assignment read the SAMPLE ANNOTATED bibliography located at the end of page and follow the format.
An annotation, by nature, is brief; approximately 500-750 words. It summarizes the central theme and scope of the book, article, or report. Examine and review the actual text of the article assigned. Do not confuse “abstracts” with “annotations”. An “abstract” is just descriptive; an annotation” is descriptive and critical.”
First, include one or more sentences that:
State the main idea and argument of the article.
Indicate which format you will utilizing; descriptive/informative or analytical/critical
What is the author(s) methodology – Can you comment on the adequacy of the methods?
Describe the important facts or examples (evidence) that the author uses to support the main idea.
Discuss the author(s) conclusions and whether you think they have adequately supported them.
Explain the theme(s) within the article
You must evaluate the authority or background of the author(s) and comment on the intended audience.
Analytical Annotated Bibliography
Formatting Requirements
APA format; Cite the book, journal article, or document using the reference style.
Single space
Include cover page with your name, date and class information
Group #2- Read this article and focus your format utilizing analytical/critical annotation
Baumeister, R. F., Tice, D. M. (1985). Masculinity Inhibits Helping in Emergencies: Personalities Does Predict the Bystander Effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49 (2), 420-428.
Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.
Analytical Annotated Bibliography
Tice, D. M., & Baumeister, R. F. (1985). Masculinity Inhibits Helping in Emergencies: Personality Does Predict the Bystander Effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49(2), 420 – 428.
The central idea from the article is the role of gender in determining the propensity to offer help in an emergency. The research article also looks into other peripheral factors that may influence the possibility of a bystander to offer help in an emergency. Among these factors, the personality of the individual is of key focus in the study and determination of predicting the bystander effect.
The analysis of the stated article uses a critical and analytical method to decipher the article. The authors of this article use both a descriptive and informative, as well as an analytical approach to the writing of the article. The analytical and critical approach used here provides a review of the cost and benefits of the content, as well as the usefulness of the conclusions to daily living as well as in furthering newer research.
The authors use a methodology of alienation of the subjects under analysis to study their response to an emergency scenario created by the researchers. The Bern Sex Role Inventory test taken by the people to take part in the analysis helped in the ranking of their median scores for masculine and feminine scale. Those selected to participate were provided a situation where they believed they were to help victims of a nuclear disaster by choosing five out of ten individuals that were to access a nuclear shelter.
The participants were led to believe that they were in communication with three other members of their team, although they would only be hearing pre-recorded voices to portray the individual’s supposed team members. Once the individual was allowed to choose their strategy, they would then listen in to the choices of the other team members. After listening to the first two, the third individual would develop a problem where, from the perspective of the respondent who was listening, would be choking on a donut and begin calling for help. The calls for help would subside before the respondent heard a sound resembling that of a person falling to the ground is heard.
The test here in this method is to determine whether the subjects would defy orders not to open the doors. Once the subjects heard the supposed team member choke and fall, some of the respondents were expected to defy the order and rush out to assist the individual who was choking. Given the ranking based on the Bern Sex Role Inventory test conducted earlier, the results of the experiment are used to build a conceptual framework. The framework is used to determine the suit of qualities potent in helping during an emergency…….
Analytical Annotated Bibliography
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Consumer Socialization
Order Instructions:
Research Article Review and annotation
-The Consumer Behavior concept is “Consumer Socialization” The article analysis assignments are used each week to expand and apply Consumer Behavior terms, application, or concepts using peer reviewed research articles from academic journals. These articles must report research the author completed in the subject area and be from the past three (3) years or less.
This assignment (the article annotation) extracts and summarizes the major points relative to a particular topic area that we have discussed. Use the following as a guide to your assignment completion:
a) Purpose of the study
b) Methodology of the study
c) The results – most important because this is the empirical evidence
d) Conclusions – least important since this is the author’s opinion
e) Recommendation for future research
The article citation must follow the APA 6th edition format using a hanging-indent. The annotation itself should be 250 words double-spaced.
Comments on Annotation: must be 200 words
Post your comment on your submitted article annotation. In your post, evaluate the selection of the article, the research conducted, the empirical findings, and the opinions of the author. Using this post, determine the type of project/research this article might support.
Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.
Consumer Socialization Research Article Review and Annotation
The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of socialization on adolescents. Consumer affairs knowledge and activism were the major focus. Sampling method was used and a survey conducted among 800 children aged between 10 and 17 was conducted. Correlation analysis and t-test was applied to analyze the result. It was found that, the male adolescents, especially from the good economic backgrounds and with older age brackets were more knowledgeable regarding the available products, thus an impact of consumer socialization on this group of people. The Mass media was attributed to product awareness.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of social media marketing on the general performance of marketing. Sampling method was applied to different segment groups of people in the market for instance preschool children and employed people. Statistical analysis was applied for instance correlation analysis to determine the results of the research. It was found that, different market groups of people have different interactive maps when it comes to social media marketing. It was therefore concluded that, communication is very critical when promoting, marketing through consumer socialization by the use of social media platforms.
The use of different segment groups was critical in determining the level of consumer socialization to be applied in different markets so as to realize the desired sales…..
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Product Positioning
Order Instructions:
Research Article Review and annotation -The Consumer Behavior concept is “Product Positioning”The article analysis assignments are used each week to expand and apply Consumer Behavior terms, application, or concepts using peer reviewed research articles from academic journals. These articles must report research the author completed in the subject area and be from the past three (3) years or less.
This assignment (the article annotation) extracts and summarizes the major points relative to a particular topic area that we have discussed. Use the following as a guide to your assignment completion:
a) Purpose of the study
b) Methodology of the study
c) The results – most important because this is the empirical evidence
d) Conclusions – least important since this is the author’s opinion
e) Recommendation for future research
The article citation must follow the APA 6th edition format using a hanging-indent. The annotation itself should be 250 words double-spaced.
Comments on Annotation: must be 200 words on the same article as above! “Product Positioning”Post your comment on your submitted article annotation. In your post, evaluate the selection of the article, the research conducted, the empirical findings, and the opinions of the author. Using this post, determine the type of project/research this article might support. The three sources you need for the comment section. NOT The article review and annotation.
Below is a partial answer to the above homework questions by one of our writers. If you are interested in a custom non plagiarized top quality answer, click order now to place your order.
Research Article Review and annotation- Consumer Behaviour
Wason, H., & Charlton, N. (2015). How positioning strategies affect co-branding outcomes. Cogent Business & Management, 2(1), 1092192.
Purpose of the study
The aim of the study is to focus on the gap that is present between the product positioning in the market and its impact on co-branding when it comes to customer perception. Positioning influences the consumer perception of the product and increases the brand image in the mind of the consumer. This stimulates their desire to purchase the product. A lot of research has been done on the market positioning of a product with minimal focus on the influence of positioning on customer behaviour. In addition, the influence of positioning in the branding of the product.
Methodology of the study
The study employed scenario-based experimental design that focused on hypothetical co-brands that were created from the prevailing brand. The perspectives of positioning were conducted using the eight-dimension typology.
The Results
A bootstrap of 500 samples was conducted using the PLS analysis. The composite reliability of brand fit is 0.898 and product fit was 0.939. Contrariwise, the AVE figures were 0.814 with a benchmark for 0.7 and 0.939 with a benchmark of 0.5. Additionally, the positioning strategies have a sense of fit where the variance is more than 0.3 in the predictive relevance. Moreover, in the functional positioning strategies the product fit forms a central customer perception in the market. On the other hand, in hedonic positioning strategies, the brand fit is central in the customer behavior in the market.
The conclusion is that the post-alliance positioning of a brand is linked to the prior consumer beliefs and they are more inclined to the influence for hedonic positioning rather than functional positioning. Moreover, the brand and product fit are centered on the positioning strategies…..
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Lipman Bottle Company Annotated Bibliography
Aurora, B.-B. C. (2013). The Cost of Production under Direct Costing and Absorption Costing: A Comparative Approach. Annals of the “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, 2, 123-129.
The author of this article stresses on the importance of managerial accounting with regards to balancing production costs and pricing of finished products in a company’s strategic management, especially to help managers in optimizing their decisions particularly those concerning operating activities. The emphasis of the author is focused on the role of managerial accounting in calculating costs (both fixed and variable), measurement of inventory costs as well as prices and prices of services and products.
As a result, the system of cost calculation is prioritized in this article because it tends to vary on basis of the type of costs assigned to items and according to the costing theory two main systems of cost calculation adopted are: full cost accounting, which comprise of all production costs, and partial cost accounting comprising of variable costs that vary with output.
Hence, considering that full as well as partial costing in production in terms of fixed and variable costs play a crucial role in determining the prices of finished products, this article provides valuable insights on how the balance between costing and pricing can be effectively achieved. The author outlines a comparative approach with regards to the differences between cost of production calculation under absorption costing and direct costing. This article further examines the impact of utilizing each of these systems of calculation on companies’ financial performance as well as financial position with regards to reported income statement and financial position statement.
Lipman Bottle Company Annotated Bibliography
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This article concludes by discussing the benefits of direct costing use in manufacturing companies for their internal reporting, bearing in mind that this method of costing is unacceptable for external reports that are presented to shareholders as well as other external uses. However, direct costing method is very important for companies to appropriately make production decisions. The article also fits very into Lipman Bottle Company case because of the insightful information it can provide to the company management to solve its production dilemma and settle on the most appropriate and profitable production mix based on informed decisions.
Banker, R. D. & Hansen, S. C. (2002). The Adequacy of Full-Cost-Based Pricing Heuristics. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14, 33-58.
Authors of this article base their discussion on performance investigation of a full-cost heuristic within a service setting focusing on costs involved in providing a service eventually influence the pricing of such services. Based on the full-cost heuristic model, authors of this article state that service companies periodically determines the extent of capacity, prices as well as price discounts. In the context of price, the article examines a scenario of a stochastic number of customers placing orders for a service and reports that when in a certain period there are too many orders; a service company offers price discounts to customers willing to come back for the same service later.
The authors of this article further examines how closely a company’s optimal performance can be approximated using two heuristic approaches that are distinct such as full-cost pricing heuristic and modified full-cost pricing heuristic. The results of the analysis full-cost pricing is the best-performing heuristic when conducted upon a program towards firm’s optimization on basis of constrained version in which prices are set using full costs in addition to adjustments on basis of nonlinear elasticity demand.
However, the article also suggests that in settings where pricing choices and capacity choices are made before and after demand information respectively, modified full-cost heuristic may be perform relatively well but not for long before it starts to deviate. These pricing models are highly applicable to the Lipman Bottle Company situation since the company needs to determine it optimal performance by setting prices of products based on its capacity, full cost of production and demand meaning that full-cost pricing heuristic would be highly effective to optimize the company’s performance.
Lipman Bottle Company Annotated Bibliography
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Ghaemi, M. H. & Nematollahi, M. (2012). Study on the Behavior of Materials, Labor, and Overhead Costs in Manufacturing Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 3(1), 19-24.
The authors of this article examines the relationship between sales income and production expenses by analyzing income statements information for Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies over a period of four years ranging from 2000 to 2003 and subsequently evaluate costs stickiness. In this article costs stickiness is used to refer to a situation where increasing production activities result to faster increasing of costs compared to how decreasing production activities result to decreasing of costs.
The results of the study reported in this article show that overhead costs are sticky but direct labor costs as well as raw material costs are not sticky. This means effective management of overhead costs by production companies can significantly reduce operational costs hence directly influencing product prices as well as overall company profitability. Thus, Lipman Bottle Company can utilize the findings reported in this article to reduce its production costs, which is critical in eventually determining pricing, sale revenues and profits.
Lipman Bottle Company Annotated Bibliography
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Kimes, S. E. (2010). Strategic pricing through revenue management [Electronic version]. Retrieved [24th November 2015], from Cornell University, School of Hospitality Administration site:
The author of this article examines the importance of revenue management towards strategic pricing, especially in manufacturing industries where capacity of inventory is relatively fixed and cost of production is characterized by low variable costs and high fixed costs. This article reports that in industries where revenue management is used, revenue increases are typically reported. The insights provided in this article are highly applicable to Lipman Bottle Company where pricing of finished products can be strategically done through revenue management.
Aurora, B.-B. C. (2013). The Cost of Production under Direct Costing and Absorption Costing: A Comparative Approach. Annals of the “Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, 2, 123-129.
Banker, R. D. & Hansen, S. C. (2002). The Adequacy of Full-Cost-Based Pricing Heuristics. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14, 33-58.
Ghaemi, M. H. & Nematollahi, M. (2012). Study on the Behavior of Materials, Labor, and Overhead Costs in Manufacturing Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 3(1), 19-24.
Kimes, S. E. (2010). Strategic pricing through revenue management [Electronic version]. Retrieved [24th November 2015], from Cornell University, School of Hospitality Administration site:
Lipman Bottle Company Annotated Bibliography
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Heart Disease Annotated Bibliography
Anand, S.S., Islam , S., and Rosengreen, A., (2008). Risk factors for myocardial infarction in women and men : insights from the interheart study. European heart journal . 29 (7), 932-940.
The article is about Coronary heart disease (CHD) which has been described as being amongst the leading cause of death amongst adults worldwide. Women have been found to be developing CHD about ten years after it has developed in men, but there are no clear reasons why this is so. The authors aimed at establishing if disparities in the distribution of risk factors are found amongst men and women across various categories of ages in order to assist in explaining the reasons for women developing acute MI several years after men have developed it.
The authors found out that on average most women develop their initial acute MI at least 9 years after men have developed it. There were nine variable risk factors that were found to be critically related to acute MI in both genders. This was used in explaining more than 90% of the PAR. There are disparities in age if the initial MI is narrated by the high degree of risk factors in men and young ages in comparison to women. Compared to other articles this article was more informative in nature for it explained the reasons for lower incidents of CHD in women before the age of 50 years.
It also explained that after this age CHD tends to increase with strategies that are usually seen in men in the eighth decade. However, as much as the Framingham study defined risk factors that impact CHD in women it was limited to only White Caucasians residing in America. It was thus not able to explain the future age of the initial occurrence of myocardial infarction (MI) amongst women in relation to men. This source was thus very useful.
Heart Disease Annotated Bibliography
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Bray G.A. (2013) Risks of obesity. Endocrinology Metabolism Clinics of North America, 32 (4), 787-804.
According to the authors of this article even though obesity leads to an increase of lots of chronic diseases it is not all obese people that develop these diseases. In the recent past a subset of individuals who were obese got free of chronic diseases. The metabolic problems that have been perceived as the causes of these diseases were pointed out in the research literature.
The population is typified by intense insulin sensitivity, ordinary blood pressure and good levels of cholesterol in spite of excess adiposity. It is now referred to as metabolic health obese. The authors indicate that there has been a rapid interest to point out fresh insights in the processes of chronic diseases. The objective of this article is thus to translate outcomes into treatment alternatives.
The disparity it has with other articles on this subject matter is the fact that it does not make a clear indication of whether Individuals that are MHO have been protected from the chronic diseases adverse effects as well as the mortality characteristic of obesity. Numerous longitudinal studies on the development of chronic diseases in MHO individuals have not exhibited any increased risk of the disease.
For instance St Pierra et al. followed 1800 men from Canada for a decade and a half and found that they were not at risk of heart diseases because they had MHO.A number of findings portray protection while other researchers have found out that MHO represents an impediment in the progression of diseases in subpopulations. Answers to these queries would provide critical implications for the policy on public health; however there is a lot of equivocalness in the existing literature. In spite of these findings the article was very useful.
Harris, T.B. (2007), carrying the burden of Cardiovascular risk in old age: Associations of weight and weight change with prevalent cardiovascular disease, risk factors and health status in the cardiovascular study. American journal of clinical Nutrition, 66 (3), 837-844.
As obesity and overweight rates rapidly increase in the US and globally the disease burden is becoming considerable and is likely to decrease life expectancy. As much as obesity has rapidly been related to augmented risks of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) few research studies have assessed whether the deliberation of permanent change in BMI could offer extra information on CVD prediction. Previous observational studies support the notion that the lowest CVD risk could be amongst those that have a stable weight.
The loss and gain of weight are related to poorer status of health and an increased rate of CVD mortality. In the assessment of BMI change there is a need for observational studies to be cautious so as to reduce confounding factors for instance likely underlying malignancy, smoking status and physical activity. The aim of this study was to employ potential data from a wide cohort with permanent follow up to effectively comprehend how BMI change is related to CVD risk.
It also aims at finding out if the BMI trajectory consideration can add analytical information beyond the existing BMI knowledge. The study thus assessed how BMI change in the past eight years was related to the main CVD events risk amongst 13,000 healthy men for 13 years. A rising and higher BMI were related to an increased CVD risk, however, increased BMI did not increase analytical information upon considering the existing BMI. Contrastingly, a decline in BMI was linked to an augmented CVD risk that was autonomous of the existing BMI. The article was thus very useful.
Bray G.A. (2013) Risks of obesity. Endocrinology Metabolism Clinics of North America, 32 (4), 787-804.
Harris, T.B. (2007), carrying the burden of Cardiovascular risk in old age: Associations of weight and weight change with prevalent cardiovascular disease, risk factors and health status in the cardiovascular study. American journal of clinical Nutrition, 66 (3), 837-844.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Sexual abuse among the minors is generally described as any sexual act between a minor and an adult or between two minors, where one partner exerts power over the other person; coercing the other partner to engage in sexual act. It also includes non –contact sexual activity such as exposing the minors to pornography, voyeurism, sexual communication via social media and exhibitionism (Barnett, Heinze, and Arble, 2013).
This is often a traumatic experience for any person; but it is a criminal offense. Sexual abuse incidences among the adolescents in the USA are high. It is estimated that every 10children, one is sexually abused before she or he attains their 18th birthday. Girls are more prone to sexual boys as compared to boys; one in every seven girl is sexually assaulted as compared to one in every boy (Reid, 2014).
Literature indicates that sexual abuse increases the chances of teen pregnancy, often unwanted pregnancy- which is associated with low birth outcomes. The coping strategies used by these adolescents include running away and substance abuse- putting the teenager in more risky activities (Marriott, Hamilton-Giachritsis, and Harrop, 2013). The statistics continues to rise and more of our children will be sexually assaulted if no intervention is put in place.
The proposed research question is ‘what are the risk factors of sexual abuse among the African American adolescents? Understanding the risk factors will help understand the teenagers, understand the behavioural and psychological challenges they deal with, and strategies to help them cope with these traumatic events (Hunt, Martens, and Belcher, 2011).
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Annotated bibliography
Barnett, D., Heinze, H. and Arble, E. (2013). Risk, Resilience, and the Rorschach: A Longitudinal Study of Children Who Experienced Sexual Abuse. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(6), pp.600-609.
The study evaluates the experiences sexual abused children, indicating that these minors are likely to develop emotion and behavioral challenges. The paper is a longitudinal study of 44 children who had undergone sexual abuse. Using Rorschach Inkblot Test, approximately three quarters of the participants reported depressive symptoms. The study evaluates the effective tools that can be used to evaluate the extent of trauma among the children and adolescents who have been sexually abused.
For instance, using Rorschach protocol, there are other ways that can be used to by the healthcare providers and school counsellors to understand the child’s processing styles including the negative thoughts associated with maltreatment and sexual assaults.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Elwood, L., Smith, D., Resnick, H., Gudmundsdottir, B., Amstadter, A., Hanson, R., Saunders, B. and Kilpatrick, D. (2011). Predictors of rape: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(2), pp.166-173.
The article highlights that socioeconomic factors are the main factor that determine risk for adolescent’s sexual abuse. The internet sex crimes against minors are few but a significant percentage of the entire issue. The study highlights that there is no child who is immune, but the social cultural background determines the risk level of sexual abuse.
Family structure is one of the risk factors, with research indicating foster families children with the highest risks, gender, age, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. This very important when evaluating the ways to minimize risk factors associated with African American minor sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Francisco, M., Hicks, K., Powell, J., Styles, K., Tabor, J. and Hulton, L. (2008). The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research Review. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(4), pp.237-248.
This article adds immense knowledge to my proposed study as it describes the current literature on adolescent’s sexual abuse, teen pregnancies and the potential of risk factors that are cross cutting. The study identifies the cross cutting risk factors such as substance abuse, mother disengagement, family constellation, and parent-adolescent conflict. The study highlights the importance of identifying the victimized adults early is vital to ensure that there is early intervention.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
George, A., Abatemarco, D., Terry, M., Yonas, M., Butler, J. and Akers, A. (2013). A qualitative exploration of the role of social networks in educating urban African American adolescents about sex. Ethnicity & Health, 18(2), pp.168-189.
The article explores the role of social networks in sexual health issues among the African American adolescents. The article identifies the social media to have major roles including guide, challenger, confidant, shelter, role model, and supervisor –chaperone and the main source of sexual health information. This is one of the platforms that could be used to reach millions of youth’s sexual assaults among African American community.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Hunt, K., Martens, P. and Belcher, H. (2011). Risky business: Trauma exposure and rate of posttraumatic stress disorder in African American children and adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(3), pp.365-369.
This article highlights the consequences associated with sexual abuse among the African American adolescents. The study indicates that domestic violence and sexual abuse is correlated to childhood posttraumatic stress disorder (PDTSD). The study indicates that exposure to such type of violence increases the likely hood of post traumatic disorders by two fold among the African American adolescents. Other consequences highlighted by the study includes social isolation, low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Marriott, C., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. and Harrop, C. (2013). Factors Promoting Resilience Following Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Structured, Narrative Review of the Literature. Child Abuse Rev., 23(1), pp.17-34.
The article is important as it adds great knowledge to my literature review on factors associated with resilience after adolescent sexual abuse. Examples of such factors include interpersonal features such as the adaptive coping strategies; but the most important factors highlighted by the article is familial stability, support from peers and schools- these creates a sense of community that understands and is willing to support the victims. The article proposes more research on the effectiveness of using the systematic interventions such as social programs and policies to improve the outcomes of sexual adults’ victims.
Payne, J., Galvan, F., Williams, J., Prusinski, M., Zhang, M., Wyatt, G. and Myers, H. (2014). Impact of childhood sexual abuse on the emotions and behaviors of adult men from three ethnic groups in the USA. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(3), pp.231-245.
This article describes the impact of childhood sexual abuse on lives of the adults from three ethnic groups. The study evaluates the psychological and behavioral struggles of survivors of childhood sexual assaults. This article is important for my study as it aids in understanding the behavioral challenges which includes shame issues, sexual identity crisis, hyper-vigilance, anger and low self-esteem.
The article highlights that there are cultural context influences, such that people from different community will respond differently; suggesting that effective coping strategies are those that are tailor made to match the victim’s sociocultural background.
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Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Reid, J. (2014). Risk and resiliency factors influencing onset and adolescence-limited commercial sexual exploitation of disadvantaged girls. Crim Behav Ment Health, 24(5), pp.332-344.
The previous studies have focused mainly on age related variables when analyzing the young women involved in sexual assaults, especially among those involved in sexual exploitation commercially. The study evaluated the variables associated with adolescents of sexual exploitation with the aim of identifying the resiliency factors and potential risks involved. This is important in my proposal as it facilitates understanding the concept of sexual victimization of adolescents, the effects of substance use and sexual violence.
Trickett, P., Negriff, S., Ji, J. and Peckins, M. (2011). Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), pp.3-20.
This article explores the collective impact of child maltreatment in the USA. The study highlights that childhood maltreatment which is associated with a myriad of mental health issues as well as developmental issues. The study helps improve the literature review of the proposed study, as it helps understand the reasons the maltreated adolescents tend to be more vulnerable bad outcomes; a predictive of long lasting effects in intimate relationships. This helps when developing early specific intervention that targets establishing effective coping strategies.
Wang, Y., Storr, C., Browne, D. and Wagner, F. (2010). Early Sexual Experience and Later Onset of Illegal Drug Use Among African American Students on HBCU Campuses. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(4), pp.543-551.
The study examines if early sexual exposure and sexual abuse is associated with subsequent drug use among the African American adolescents. The study evaluates a sample of 7372 African American students; which indicated that sexual assault is modestly associated with subsequent initiation of illicit drug abuse, especially among the females. This is also correlated with risky behaviors activities such as multiple sexual partners. The article concludes that school based programs will help empower the victims with coping strategies, effective enough, thus reducing the incidences of illicit drug use and other associated risky behaviors.
Sexual abuse of adolescents and African American children
Barnett, D., Heinze, H. and Arble, E. (2013). Risk, Resilience, and the Rorschach: A Longitudinal Study of Children Who Experienced Sexual Abuse. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(6), pp.600-609.
Elwood, L., Smith, D., Resnick, H., Gudmundsdottir, B., Amstadter, A., Hanson, R., Saunders, B. and Kilpatrick, D. (2011). Predictors of rape: Findings from the National Survey of Adolescents. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(2), pp.166-173.
Francisco, M., Hicks, K., Powell, J., Styles, K., Tabor, J. and Hulton, L. (2008). The Effect of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Adolescent Pregnancy: An Integrative Research Review. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 13(4), pp.237-248.
George, A., Abatemarco, D., Terry, M., Yonas, M., Butler, J. and Akers, A. (2013). A qualitative exploration of the role of social networks in educating urban African American adolescents about sex. Ethnicity & Health, 18(2), pp.168-189.
Marriott, C., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. and Harrop, C. (2013). Factors Promoting Resilience Following Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Structured, Narrative Review of the Literature. Child Abuse Rev., 23(1), pp.17-34.
Payne, J., Galvan, F., Williams, J., Prusinski, M., Zhang, M., Wyatt, G. and Myers, H. (2014). Impact of childhood sexual abuse on the emotions and behaviours of adult men from three ethnic groups in the USA. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 16(3), pp.231-245.
Trickett, P., Negriff, S., Ji, J. and Peckins, M. (2011). Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), pp.3-20.
Wang, Y., Storr, C., Browne, D. and Wagner, F. (2010). Early Sexual Experience and Later Onset of Illegal Drug Use Among African American Students on HBCU Campuses. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(4), pp.543-551.
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The success of a business is influenced by the level of employee motivation. Productivity and profitability are the results of happy and hardworking workers. Motivation is dependent on individual employee since some may be motivated by money, others promotion and others are motivated by having equity in the business. The only way to motivate employees is finding out what each wants and making it available or assisting them to earn it. If all employees are motivated, the result will be high productivity and profitability.
The author carried out the research to identify the existing motivational strategies in National Alcohol and Liquor Factory and assess their impacts on productivity. The quality of the motivating system, type of motivation, and roles played by the motivated employees are some of the items analyzed to address the issue of employee productivity. By carrying out the research, the company was able to identify gaps in its motivational system and focus on motivation since it affects the productivity of the organization.
Construction industry lagged behind in productivity compared to other industries. Attitude, employee-employer relationship, and lack of communication are some of the main issues affecting motivation in the workplace. Work climate, employee development, perceived equity, work objectivity, and organizational climate should be addressed with relation to employee motivation.
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An environment that fosters motivation makes employees feel that there is constant communication, have control over their work and are respected. According to the research, firms that had motivated employees had a subsequent increase in their stock prices resulting in high dividends for shareholders. Being less strict on internet use, measuring performance with set goals, and consistent measurement of performance are some of the ways the author indicates crucial in improving productivity.
The study was carried out in the United States telecommunication industries due to the increased downsizing of workers. Systems theory was used to assess the available strategies for managers to increase the motivation of the retained workers. Communication is the most crucial element in motivating the workers.
High performers are the most productive compared to average workers according to the research. High performers are few in the workplace yet they the most satisfied with their jobs. The best strategy should be to increase retention rates for the high performers. The study was conducted in 27 countries to determine the future expectations of the workforce. Base pay and bonuses are what satisfies most employees.
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Culture is critical in an organization as it drives performance and affects business processes. A good culture encourages play, potential, and purpose while at the same time reducing economic and emotional pressure. The research was carried in 50 companies around the world.
According to the author, morale can be defined as an individual’s state of mind resulting from emotions and feelings. It is an elusive quality that determines the attitude towards other team members, workplace environment, and the overall organization. Job insecurity, excess outsourcing, perceived unfairness, and poor compensation lead to poor morale. Thus, employees focus on how to improve their careers instead of being productive. Managers are encouraged to build an organization culture that meets the needs of each employee to increase their motivation and productivity.
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Organizations are focusing on having an equitable balance between employee contribution to the firm and the firm’s contribution to the workers. Recognition, benefits and compensation are some of the rewards associated with the balance between the firm and the employees in the bank. Balance leads to motivation hence increase in productivity.
The author applied Maslow hierarchy of needs to analyze motivation in relation to productivity. Strategies must be put in place to address the misunderstandings that happen when there are changes in organizations. Attitude, beliefs, and background can result in destructive or constructive acts that affect workplace performance.
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