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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Use evidence-based nursing interventions to research whether early removal of indwelling urinary catheters and shunning non-evidence based interventions does contribute to a significant decline in the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections among inpatients with indwelling urinary catheters.
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Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Statistics indicate that nearly 13,000 deaths occur annually due to urinary tract infections (UTIs). Approximately 75% of UTIs are linked to urinary catheters. Statistics further show that approximately 15-25% of inpatients use catheters. Still, UTIs constitute the fourth most prevalent healthcare related infection in the U.S, with over 93,000 reported inpatient incidences in 2011.
Besides, UTI’s constitute 12% of the total infections reported in acute care, while 12-16% of hospitalized adult patients have higher chances of using indwelling urinary catheters. The study of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) is essential as it highlights evidence-based nursing interventions needed for early removal of indwelling urinary catheters aimed at containing possible risks of CAUTIs among inpatients with indwelling urinary catheters.
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
The research has established that the use of evidence-based nursing interventions for early removal of indwelling urinary catheters and shunning non-evidence based interventions does contribute to a significant decline in the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections among inpatients with indwelling urinary catheters.
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
According to Huang (2016), a urinary tract infection is a type of infection that affects the urinary tract and other parts of the urinary system including the bladder, urethra, kidney, and ureters and is the most prevalent healthcare related infection.
Center for Disease Control (CDC) statistics indicate that 13,000 deaths occur annually due to urinary tract infections (UTIs).Nearly 75% of the UTIs are linked to urinary catheters, while approximately 15-25% of inpatients use catheters (Hartley, 2015). Piechota (2016) defines indwelling urinary catheter as the urinary discharge tube that is inserted into the patient’s urinary bladder via the urethra and left in situ while continuously connected to a closed urinary drainage system. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) constitute the fourth most prevalent healthcare related infection with over 93,000 reported incidences in hospitalized patients in 2011 (Hartley, 2015).
Thus UTI’s constitute 12% of the total infections reported in acute care. Statistics further suggests that nearly all-healthcare related urinary tract infections occur as a result of the improper instrumentation of the urinary tract. CDC Statistics also shows that 12-16% of hospitalized adult patients have higher chances of using indwelling urinary catheters.
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Four managerial tasks of FES personnel
Do the four managerial tasks of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling develop a cooperative relationship with fire and emergency services (FES) personnel as well as other agencies and the community?
Why do many of the FES personnel believe that more experience and intuition in decision-making is valuable in an emergency?
What is the importance of chain of command and unity of command during this situation?
What are the ideal characteristics of a guiding coalition in this scenario?
Four managerial tasks of FES personnel
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What techniques can be used to communicate a vision of change?
Were there any roadblocks that could defeat efforts to accomplish a good working relationship with public officials, other agencies, and the community?
Section II
You will write a one-page standard operating procedure (SOP) to address the use of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) on any incident in which more than one resource is used. You will only be writing the purpose statement and procedure. Most SOPs will have more areas than these two sections. Click here to access an example of an SOP for engine company operations, which may be helpful if you have never written or seen an SOP.
In addition, click here to access a blank format for you to complete Section II of this assignment. The purpose statement is an overview of a routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization. The procedure will be the technical and fundamental programmatic operational elements of an organization to ensure compliance of SOPs by all intended users.
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Assignment 1: Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice
Literature in psychotherapy differs from other areas of clinical practice. Generally, there are no clinical trials in psychotherapy because it is often neither appropriate nor ethical to have controls in psychotherapy research. This sometimes makes it more difficult to translate research findings into practice. In your role, however, you must be able to synthesize current literature and apply it to your own clients.
For this Assignment, you begin practicing this skill by examining current literature on psychodynamic therapy and considering how it might translate into your own clinical practice.Learning
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Students will:
• Evaluate the application of current literature to clinical practice
To prepare:
• Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide.
• Select one of the psychodynamic therapy articles from the Learning Resources to evaluate for this Assignment.
Note: In nursing practice, it is not uncommon to review current literature and share findings with your colleagues. Approach this Assignment as though you were presenting the information to your colleagues.
The Assignment
In a 5- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:
• Provide an overview of the article you selected.o What population is under consideration?
o What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?
o What were the author’s claims?
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• Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?
• Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature.
Note: The presentation should be 5–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Include presenter notes (no more than ½ page per slide) and use tables and/or diagrams where appropriate. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the article you selected. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
Applying Current Literature to Clinical Practice
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Washington Rules of Professional Conduct
Find the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct and read “FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT,” and Rules 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 (including the comments to the rules). Recommended but not required: Read the “Preamble and Scope”
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Part 1
Democracy can be termed as one of the most critical elements of governance for any country across the world. Democracy can be well-defined as the government of the people, put in place by the people, and is meant for the people (Raveloson, 2008). It can be said to be the only kind of government in which the will of citizens is reflected in the administration.
Part 2
There are two primary forms of government that will be the main focus in this analysis. These include the unitary and federal forms of government. It is vital to acknowledge that each of these systems has their strengths and weaknesses. One of the advantages of the unitary system is that it has a single and decisive legislature. The second advantage of this system is that it is more efficient in the utilization of tax money. In this case, there are fewer people trying to secure some allocation.
The third advantage is that it does not have the sophisticated management of the economy and government. One of the disadvantages, on the other hand, is that this form of administration has a slow response by the government. For instance, in case of an emergency, there are no quick response teams, and troops have to be called upon in case of such cases. The second disadvantage is that this government easily loses track of the local matters. The third weakness is that this system is quite divisive since everybody is forced to compete for priority (Heywood, 2014).
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On the other hand, the federal system also has its strengths and weaknesses. One of the advantages is that each county or province has its unique political, social and economic setups. For instance, the state of California in the United States has its issues which only the county government can solve. The second advantage is that this government provides representation to different populations.
For example, each state in the United States has immigrant and native communities which are represented by the government in representation. The third strength is that through the sharing of work between the central and regional governments, there is the optimum use of resources. The final advantage, in this case, is that federalism provides room for innovation and experimentation. For instance, each state in the United States has its own political, judicial and social setups and policies.
One of the disadvantages is that the federal form of government is quite expensive to run since there are more representatives elected to various positions. This consequently leads to the overlapping of roles. The second weakness is that this government leads to unwarranted competition between multiple regions. The third shortcoming is that it promotes regional imbalances including industrialization, natural resources, and employment opportunities.
Heywood, A. (2014). Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Raveloson, A., J., (2008) What is Democracy, 1(1), 1-23
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Leadership in military service is unique as it expects the leaders to thrive in dynamic and complex life situations. The leaders are expected to think critically regarding their personal skills, philosophies, core leadership competencies and limitations and ways to apply these capacities at hand.1 This requires a strong understanding of leadership. In this context, this paper evaluates the three key elements of leadership namely, leadership philosophy, interview of commander and analysis of the commander’s interview using my leadership philosophy guide.
Leadership Command Philosophy
To become a successful leader, personal beliefs of leadership must be consistent with the principles and values of the organization as served. In this context, I believe that leadership is not a skill that can be taught or mastered, but rather a continuous journey of learning, self-discovery and growth. This journey involves self-awareness, an important factor for effective leadership.
Renowned philosopher Socrates stated that life that is unexamined is not worth living it. This implies that effective leadership is obtained from leaders that understand themselves i.e. view issues, challenges and team members through personal lenses. I believe in questioning of the applicability of the strategies proposed to ensure that they are not biased and respect individual’s rights and autonomy. This facilitates in understanding my strength, weakness, and motivations.3
One of the driving forces in my leadership styles is personal ethics. I tend to demonstrate the passions of my work by practicing ethical values are consistent with the core values of the Airforce- which are ‘integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do.’ This ensures that my relationship with the team members are long term and meaningful. Additionally, my leadership philosophy is to keep my workplace fun, with sense of pride and ownership. As a leader, one is expected to set good command of climate.
I believe that to get most out of my personnel, I have to let them enjoy their work place, but in an accountable manner. As a leader, I understand that I am held liable for all actions conducted in my work space. For this reason, I ensure that the team members hold each other liable for the actions and decision made. This is by focusing on the personal behaviours and not personality. This ensures that the team members to respect each other.1
Leadership Command Philosophy
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To earn respect as a leader, it is important to make the team feel respected and to understand that their contributions and opinions are appreciated. This is because no one has the capacity to tackle all the challenges, and good ideas can be generated from all ranks. Lastly, I believe in self-development and self-awareness. I have the key role to ensure that I empower other team members to ensure that there is continuity of effective leadership in this team.
This is because I have been privileged to interact with great leaders who devoted their efforts on mentoring me in various leadership levels, and correcting my mistake. From these mentorship programs, I now understand that being an effective mentor is more than sitting with the team members to conduct yearly reviews, but rather having respect and trust to integrate them in critical issues whenever they arise.2
“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm”2 Publilius Syrus opened the interview of great inspirational commanders in the Air force. The commander indicates that leadership is a rough sea. This has made him develop a philosophy that people are aligned with purpose and connected by their integrity.
The commander’s decision making process is influenced by his leadership philosophy which occurs in shape of a follower, before embarking on his leadership roles. The decision making process indicates that he carriers out tasks with the aim of achieving influential outcome. According to this interview, when he is assigned tasks, he strives to understand why the work really matters, and the information gathered enables him to make decisions that are ethical and unbiased, and he is able to prioritize between the tasks.3
Leadership Command Philosophy
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The skills and core competencies applied by the commander’s to address the issues to be resolved include the personal values, team and organizational principles. He understands that these three leadership competencies are interrelated and are effective for problem solving. By understanding the rationale and importance of the assigned works, the leader is able to incorporate the team members, communicates effectively to ensure that they understand their common purpose.
The sense of mission developed from this process not only motivates the team members but also aligns them towards achieving the expected goal. The leader states that using the right frameworks during decision making such as applying the most effective methods to communicate missions consistently and clearly and early assessment of the impacts facilitates in decision making process, improving the delivery of the expected purpose.1
The commander take criticism for any decision made positively, which improves their professional development. As he narrates, in his first years of leadership, I overlooked the connection between performance and integrity. For instance, I would be assigned critical tasks that needed to be performed in certain manner, and within a speculated time. In most of the tome, I would accomplish the task, but under my terms and conditions.
This influenced my relationship with his supervisors in a negative manner. He underwent several disciplinary actions, and mentorship programs that helped him understand that effective interaction consists of three critical issues namely accountability, trust and integrity.3
As observed throughout the interview, his first word in his credo is people. He values he individuals he works with, the peers, subordinate staff, peers and superiors. This commander relied on the resources from these peers to undertake all the tasks assigned. According to his views, he conducts all tasks assigned by putting human dimensions, missions and aspects into perspective.2
Leadership Command Philosophy
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From this assessment, it is evident that leadership philosophy is not an easy task as to consist of endless numbers of theories, experiences, diagrams and endless list of personal, people and organization’s considerations. However, the most intriguing fact about this course is development of individual’s philosophy. My leadership philosophy reminds me that my sole purpose in the military service is to serve the nation.
This implies that in this line of career, I am not the sole author of my destiny, and that success is a by-product of team effort. As shown in the interview, the opinions of every person about the future of their leadership are relevant only if it aligns with the vision of the commanders.3
The leaders in all organization have the responsibilities to understand the realities and challenges facing them, and in recognition of the emerging opportunities to meet these challenges. From my leadership philosophy, it is evident that for people to adapt without jeopardizing the core values of the organization there is need to develop a clear commitment and understanding of all organization members objectively.1
Additionally, the key to unleashing people’s full potential is through the actualization of visions that occur by creating the right organizational climate. This is because an organization where people remain uninspired by the type of their work, have low self-confidence, are concerned with increased criticism and lacks support and feedback of their performances are less likely to improve their performance. This implies that the leaders must understand the importance of the team members, help them understand and visualise what is expected of their actions and how these actions will be monitored. 3
However, within the established boundaries, they must feel valued, appreciated and freedom to experiment their innovative new ideas. The leaders must understand that the cohesiveness of the team at work place or even in their off duty is very important. This is a climate that must be established in all departments. As a leader, my primary role is to facilitate achievement. This implies that as a leader, I influence more how the team members think than commanding the work. My role is to tell the team members where to go, but they must figure it by themselves on ways to get them there. 2
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As indicated by this course work, the leaders influence the way of thinking of the team members. The leaders are expected to ensure that feedback is provided throughout the organization, and that performance (whether bad or good) is recognized. The leaders must understand that the success of an organization is determined by the cohesiveness on the people working under their commands.
2. Schneider, Sherry K., and Winnette M. George. ‘Servant Leadership Versus Transformational Leadership In Voluntary Service Organizations’. Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32.1 (2011): 60-77. Web.
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Physical Therapy Admission Application
Insert your address
To Admission Director,
Loma Linda University, School of Allied Health Professions, Office of Admissions, Nichol Hall, Loma Linda, California 92350
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in pursuing Physical Therapy at Loma Linda University in summer 2016. I have chosen to apply in this institution because it was highly recommended by most of the physical therapist I consulted when I was conducting search for a quality physical therapy program.
Since childhood, I have always been keen to help people, especially those with physical disabilities. This bolstered the desire to enrol for a course at the California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSDUH). So far, I have attained good grades and am anticipating to obtain A or A- at the completion of the course. I am current taking HUM 310 and have registered the rest of the general physics units, which I plan to complete before the onset of LLU summer training program. The good grades attained highlight my passion and desire to excel, and make a difference on people’s lives.
Additionally, I have managed to interact with multi-talented physiotherapists at Burlington Convalescent Hospital under the supervision of Margret (will send her recommendation letter independently via email, probably you will receive it by next week). I have also worked as a volunteer at Glandale Memorial Hospital for a short duration due institutions protocols. At the Burlington Convalescent Hospital, I feel sad to see patients suffer and I feel obliged to help them. I feel touched whenever I make impact on patient’s life. Additionally, I am bilingual; I can speak English and Korean. This is an advantage as I can help translate for Korean patients to the therapists.
Physical Therapy Admission Application
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I seek this learning opportunity at LLU where I will be mentored by world class physical therapist to develop a well-rounded skill set such as first rate interpersonal abilities and upholding exceptional work ethics. I seek to study in an institution that encourages personal and professional growth, which will ensure that I develop physically, socially, spiritually and intellectually.
This personal development and growth is supported by the unique environment at LLU which will help me reflect and strengthen my perspectives of humanity. These are the key tools needed to ensure that I serve, promote healthy living and deliver quality care for all patients irrespective of their culture or ethnic backgrounds, especially as I do missionary work around world. I desire to help people heal spiritually and physically during their hard time and illness.
Physical Therapy Admission Application
I believe that the program is essential in attaining my career goals as it will arm me with additional skills, while opening doors for further training and intellectual development. Additional factors that make this program particularly attractive and appropriate for my training demands is that: i) the course design which gives me an opportunity for multi-disciplinary exploration, ii) first world training infrastructure and iii) opportunity to be mentored by the world class professionals.
I believe I am best suited for the requested training program because of my excellent proven track of passion, competence and commitment in this field. I am confident that with my back ground, I will bring invaluable talent, aptitude and versatility to benefit maximally and to add value to the program.
Yours Faithfully,
Physical Therapy Admission Application
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NYU Admission Essay
We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU’s global network; regardless, we want to understand – Why NYU?
New York University, whose home was originally based only in New York City, encompasses a global network that consists of degree-granting campuses at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai, and global academic centers in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. These include Accra, Ghana; Berlin, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Florence, Italy; London, England; Madrid, Spain; Paris, France; Prague, the Czech Republic; Sydney, Australia; Tel Aviv, Israel; and Washington, D.C. This academic network offers NYU faculty a range of global and multi-disciplinary opportunities for research, teaching, and scholarly collaboration.
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University Transfer Letter
Writer a 2 pages Transfer letter. The topic is How a Rutgers Education Will Help Me Achieve My Career Goals University Transfer letter
A school transfer request letter is basically a notice that notifies your current school about your intentions to relocate to a different school. At some point, nearly 30 percent of all students end up transferring from one school to another.
However, too many students transfer for unwarranted reasons and discover they’re not much better off after they move.
Tips On How To Write A School Transfer Request Letter
It’s very important to properly address your letter to your school’s Dean of Admissions by starting with a solid introduction and revealing your academic achievements as well as indicating your area of study.
Any personal information you add is entirely up to you, although your letter should be concise and straightforward.
• Introduction
Introduce yourself and then emphasize that you need a transfer. Include a brief account of your present academic circumstances.
• State Your Achievements
Provide a brief account of all your academic achievements. Include any awards or honors that you may have received in addition to your GPA (grade point average).
Offer any details of the activities you participate in, such as any athletic or academic clubs, or your involvement with any volunteering opportunities.
• List The Reasons Why You Want To Transfer
Give the reasons why you want or need to transfer, whether it’s due to a family emergency, changes in your major, or other reasons.
• Express Sincere Gratitude To The Recipient Of Your Letter
Be sure to express your utmost gratitude to the Dean of Admissions and include your current contact information as well.
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